Q: Are there any discounts for purchasing many items?
A: Before shopping, you can collect coupons from our stores. The more you buy, the bigger the discount.
Q: What kind of logistics channels do you provide?
A: Economic: China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus, Yanwen Economic Air Mail, etc., only provide China’s receipt records, and no longer display logistics information after going abroad Standards:
AliExpress Standard Shipping, China Post Registered Air Mail, etc.. providing full tracking logistics information
Fast: AliExpress Premium Shipping, Fedex, DHL, etc., information provide tracking logistics information throughout the process, the fastest logistics channel
Q: How do I purchase multiple items, but only pay the postage once?
A: You can add all products to the shopping cart and choose the same logistics channel for each product so that you will only charge the postage for one unit
Q: When will the parcel be sent out?
A: Usually we will send the package within 6 hours after the funds are received, except for some specific legal holidays (such as New Year, National Day, etc.)
Q: When will I receive the package after you send it?
A: The arrival time of the package depends on the logistics channel you choose.
For the specific arrival time, you can check the product details page.
Q: Will my package be home delivery?
A: Usually the parcel will be delivered to your home. If you need to pick it up, the post office will contact you.
Q: How do I check the location of my package?
A: You can check the progress of the logistics on the order details page, or check here https://www.17track.net/
Q: What should I do if I receive a problem parcel?
A: Please contact us as soon as possible and we will give you a satisfactory solution
- JianWu Official Store
- Email: [email protected]
- SMS: +1(571) 310-4791 (Text Only)
- USA Office: 12 E. Twohig, Suite 200-F1, San Angelo, Texas 76903, USA
- China Warehouse: 11/F, Building 3, No 9 Danchen 2nd road, Beiyuan Street, Yiwu City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, China
- Hours of Operation: Mon-Sat: 9 AM-5 PM EST